Dear Esteemed Members of the Fountain University Community,
Asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.
I write you this with a heart full of joy as we commence the new Islamic year, 1445 After Hijra. This occasion affords us a moment to reflect on the journey so far and an opportunity to renew our faith and steadfastness in the teachings of Islam.
As we embark on this new chapter, it is my prayer that this year ushers in countless moments of divine blessings, purposeful advancement, and profound peace for each member of our beloved community.
The Islamic New Year is not just a time to commemorate the historical events that shaped our faith but also a time for reflection and introspection. Let us take this opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments, learn from our shortcomings, and set new goals for the year ahead.
As we embark on this new Islamic year, let us foster an atmosphere of inclusivity, respect, and understanding, where each member of our diverse community feels valued and appreciated. Together, we can create an environment that embodies the true spirit of Islam and promotes intellectual growth, social harmony, and service to humanity.
Let us take this period to also acknowledge our triumphs, learn from our shortcomings, and fortify our spirits for the journey ahead. Each Hijri year symbolizes the migration (Hijrah) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Medina. This sacred remembrance should serve as a beacon of resilience, illuminating our path and guiding us toward attaining excellence in both personal and academic spheres.
I encourage each one of you to look forward to 1445AH with optimism, resilience, and a renewed dedication to upholding the values that make us Fountain University – tolerance, faith, unity, respect, and academic integrity. Our collective endeavor should be aimed at continuously aligning our actions with Islamic precepts while fostering a conducive environment for learning, growth, and moral fortitude.
May Allah bless our beloved university with His guidance and blessings throughout the coming year. May He grant us success in our endeavors, both in this world and the hereafter. May this Hijrah be filled with enlightenment, spiritual growth, and abundant blessings for every one of you. Happy Hijirah!
Barakallahu Feekum.
Yours Faithfully,
Prof. Olayinka R. Karim,
Vice Chancellor,
Fountain University.
19/07/2023 || 01/01/1445AH